March 18, 2016
Dear Members,
A very good morning to everyone. The news that all of have been waiting for is finally here.
After 11 months of negotiations, AMCO negotiators have negotiated with the Bank in the interest of AMCO members and endurance of our Bank.
We truly understand that negotiation process has been long, however we sincerely thank all our members for their patience and support as this time around it was not easy due to the economic climate.
We at AMCO have put in our greatest efforts to secure a total package which will benefit our members. Enhanced benefits and new articles are as follows:
Firstly the most crucial article:
All officers in BG50, BG51 and BG52 who are under the scope of AMCO who in the service on 31/12/2014 shall receive a salary adjustment of 10% across the board.
As per our members request we have made special arrangement with HR to pay all arrears on 22/4/2016.
MIN | MAX | + % | |
BG 50 | 3,080 | 7,700 | 16.67% |
BG 51 | 3,410 | 8,200 | 13.89% |
BG 52 | 3,850 | 9,240 | 10% |
GRADE | Existing | NEW |
BG 50 | RM235 | RM270 |
BG 51 | RM258 | RM290 |
BG 52 | RM298 | RM327 |
a) Resettlement Allowance
Existing | New |
Single | RM1,500 RM1,800 |
Married | RM3,000 RM3,600 |
b) Meal Allowance
Existing | New |
WM | RM70 RM77 |
EM | RM80 RM88 |
c) Outstation Housing Allowance (OHA)
Existing | New |
Single | RM400 RM500 |
Married | RM500 RM700 |
d) Management Transfer > 15km < 35km * New Benefit
RM125 per month for up to two years
a) Work Outside normal Hours of Work
b) Outstation Duty
Existing New
WM RM70 RM77
EM, Brunei, Singapore RM80 RM88
c) NACC Allowance
a) Payment for Additional Off Day
b) Shift Allowance
a) Payment for Rest Day
a) Payment for Public Holiday
a) Delivery Charges
b) Child Care Allowance *New Article
a) Dental and Optical
b) Medical coverage for Disable Children
We hope the above answers all the questions you have in mind for our CA 2015 – 2017.
Our official signing ceremony will be held at Level 46, Menara Maybank on the 30th March 2016.
We sincerely thank each and every member of AMCO for their continuous support and patience especially during this testing times.
We have received many emails, whatsapp, calls and smses giving us words of courage and thanking us and also pledging their undying support. We have tried our level best to personally respond to your messages, however should we have missed anyone our sincere apologies as last few weeks were hectic.
Now that that the CA has been concluded we shall move on the plan future activities. We have to also focus on our colleagues whose BSC Appeals were unsuccessful and to assist members who were unfairly moderated.
Thank you once again and have a pleasant weekend.
With warm regards
On behalf of AMCO EXCO
December 1, 2015
Dear Members,
Greetings from AMCO,
It has been quite some time that news about our Collective Agreement goes on air. While we understand that members are eagerly awaiting the news on development of the CA, the EXCO also hope that members wait it out patiently as the negotiation is still in progress.
As members are fully aware, many things had taken place in the past few months; fluctuation of oil prices, implementation of GST, devastating impact on potential rising of interest rate by US, clashes between US and China Markets, plummeting down of MYR, Political crises and many more. Unfortunately it happens right during our Collective negotiation. Nevertheless, the EXCO have met the management on many occasions officially and unofficially. Every steps had been taken to secure current benefits as well as trying to get new and improved articles for the members.
For your information, other unions that have concluded their CA are NUBE at 10%, ABOM at 10%, CIMB at 9%. These concluded collective agreements have great implication on the manner of subsequent CA to be concluded, notwithstanding AMCO. However, AMCO have and will still remain persistent and consistent in our plight to a better CA.
Few new articles have been table out which includes, Pilgrimage Leave, Child Care, Cola, amongst others. These articles have been deliberated thoroughly and argued by the EXCO relentlessly. Eventually, the Bank have agreed to look into this proposed new article seriously and to come back with a mandate.
Of course there are also improved articles that were also tabled. Our priority would be the Salary Adjustment, Annual Increment, Refreshment claims, OHA, other allowances, retirement benefits. Rest assured that AMCO is trying to do its very best to put our members at salary scale that is worthy as an executive.
We will get a reply form the management by the end of the year and if all goes well, we should be drawing new salaries in 2016. Meanwhile, to our members out there, EXCO says THANK YOU for your undivided support and be prepared for any instruction from the secretariat. It is also highly important that we recruit as many member as possible. Please look around you for non-members and try your best to invite them to become a member of our large family.
Once again, be patient, stay united, keep your hopes high and pray that the Al Mighty bestow our EXCO with strength, persistency and commitment to concluded the CA amicably.
Thank you.
Zainurin Zainal Abidin
President, AMCO
November 9, 2015
Dear Members
Wishing all our Hindu members a very Happy Diwali. May the festival of lights spread brightness in all areas of your life. To the rest happy holidays.
We know most members are waiting for news on our CA. We would to inform all that negotiations are ongoing and we are targeting to settle it by early 2016. For details and latest update kindly add us on Facebook @ “Sis Bindu GS AMCO” as we are unable to reactivate our previous Facebook.
Have a pleasant day and happy holidays.
With warm Regards
July 16, 2015
Dear Members
We have on 23rd of June 2015 submitted our CA 2015 – 2017 Proposal to the Bank. We had put up a copy of our Proposal on AMCO FB for members info, however due to our FB page is not available at the moment members will not be able to view it.
For those who wish to get a copy of the proposal do email me at or whatsapp me @ 016 260 7499.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you and have a pleasant day.
July 16, 2015
Assalamulalikum dan Salam Sejahtera kepada semua,
Ahlamdulillah, bersyukur kita kepada Ilahi kerana memberi kita kekuatan mengharung berbagai cabaran disepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini. Kami yakin ramai ahli tertunggu-tunggu ketibaan bulan Syawal yang akan diraikan dengan gembira bersama keluarga tersayang. Dalam masa yang sama, kita tidak lupa juga kepada mereka yang kurang bernasib baik terutama dikalangan ahli kesatuan.
Pelbagai peristiwa telah berlaku sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini seperti kes-kes disiplin, salah laku, pembuangan kerja, ketidakadilan dan juga perubahan organisasi. Di sini, kami ingin mengingatkan sesama kita bahawa sebagai pegawai kelas satu Maybank, kita perlu ada jati diri yang mantap. Kita perlu dan sentiasa ingat bahawa kita adalah penjaga harta pelanggan, oleh itu kami yakin bahawa setiap ahli AMCO perlu berada di dalam keadaan yang cemerlang, peka dan sentiasa menjaga kepentingan pelanggan. Ahli-ahli kesatuan yang menyaksikan sebarang salah laku perlu bertindak segera melalui saluran yang disediakan. Amat malanglah jika ahli kesatuan kurang memberi tumpuan kepada tugas yang akhirnya akan menyebabkan kerugian. Ahli juga perlu amanah kepada diri sendiri dalam melaksanakan tugas harian. Kita perlu menyumbang daya usaha pada tahap tertinggi disamping mendapat apa yang diberi sebagai hak kepada pekerja. Contohnya, seperti kerja lebihan masa, tuntutan elaun lebih masa adalah menjadi hak kita setelah kita bekerja mengikut kadar yang telah ditetapkan. Catatan ini adalah perlu untuk pihak majikan mengenal pasti sebarang ketidak keseimbangan pada proses kerja. Maka, pekerja perlu tuntut dan menyatakan kuantiti kerja yang dilakukan dalam bentuk elaun lebihan masa disamping merakamkan jumlah kerja yang dilakukan seharian. Ini agar kesemua pihak akan faham situasi sebenar dan mengambil langkah sepatutnya untuk menentukan juga mempunyai ‘work life balance’.
Satu lagi situasi yang agak mendatangkan kerisauan kesatuan adalah penutupan beberapa cawangan bank atas dasar langkah pengawalan kos yang lebih efisien. AMCO ingin juga menegaskan bahawa sementara keputusan cara berniaga berada di tangan majikan, pekerja juga perlu diyakinkan bahawa mereka tidak akan hilang pekerjaan. Dalam situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu, kejatuhan matawang, cukai-cukai baru serta kenaikan harga barang, majikan adal dipertanggungjawabkan untuk tidak menghapuskan pekerjaan yang sedia ada.
Walau apapun yang bakal berlaku, kami yakin bahawa ahli AMCO sentiasa bersedia mengharungnya. Dan menjadi harapan kami agar semua ahli melaporkan sebarang bentuk penyalahan gunaan kuasa dari pihak majikan.
Saudaraku sekelian,
Kami mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada semua ahli-ahli kesatuan. Semoga Ramadhan yang berlalu telah mendewasakan kita dalam ilmu kehidupan dan salam keputusan-keputusan yang bakal kita ambil. Kepada semua yang akan memandu balik ke kampung halaman atau memandu pada Hari Raya, ingat supaya berhenti seketika pabila terlalu letih. Biar kita lewat sedikit asalkan jangan tidak sampai langsung.
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Dzahir Batin
Untuk AMCO
Zainurin Hj Zainal Abidin
July 16, 2015
Dear Members
We would like to inform you that AMCO FB is having some issue. We are getting our Web Master to sort the issue and we will update members once we rectify the issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience and should you have any inquiry please email ( or message/ whatsapp me @ 0162607499.
July 27, 2014
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Dzahir Batin.
Saya bagi pihak ahli jawatankuasa AMCO ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan selamat menyambut Eidul Fitri kepada keseluruh ahli AMCO tak kira di mana mereka
Hari Raya merupakan suatu hari menandakan kemenangan kita dalam usaha kita
mengawal nafsu serta mengikuti perintah Tuhan dengan patuhnya. Ia juga suatu
perayaan di mana kita saling bermaafan di kalangan kita disamping menyemarakkan
rasa persaudaraan dan persahabatan di antaara kita semua. Kami berharap dengan
sambutan Hari Raya ini dapat merapatkan lagi persefahaman dan kerja sama di kalangan
ahli-ahli AMCO khasnya.
Sejak kebelakangan ini kita sering di gemparkan dengan tragedi-tragedi yang menyayat
hati. Jadikanlah ianya suatu iktibar dalam kita menjalankan kerja kita seharian. Kita
perlu lebih cermat dan berhati-hati agar sebarang musibah dapat di elakkan. AMCO juga
yakin bahawa semua ahlinya adalah pekerja cemerlang yang sentiasa giat berusaha untuk
diri dan Maybank.
AMCO juga mengambil kesempatan untuk mengingatkan semua yang memandu dan menunggang pulang ke kampung halaman agar berhati-hati, menumpukan focus serta
berhenti berehat apabila terasa letih. Ingat bahawa keluarga menanti kita untuk berhari
raya dan bergembira.
Salam Aidil Fitri
Zainurin ZA